#ChoosetoChallenge Spotlight -Diane Brennan

Last year I spoke to a group of industry leaders at an IT security conference in Orlando. My primary focus was on the benefits of female leadership. In my research before the event, I discovered that [...]

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Categories: #BalanceForBetter, #LeadHerShip, #choosetochallenge

What Business IT Support Trends Will Affect You This Year?

I always enjoy looking ahead to see what advancements and trends are expected to impact businesses in the coming year. Planning for these trends will not only guide how your company uses technology, [...]

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Categories: Outsourcing IT, IT services

#ChoosetoChallenge Spotlight -Georgette Rosberg

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to getting individuals to work together toward a common goal. Especially when you are working with a diverse team that happens to also be remote. Inspiring [...]

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Categories: #BalanceForBetter, #LeadHerShip, #choosetochallenge

Inoculate Your Network Security Against Viruses and Cybersecurity Maladies

Network security has grown more complicated as network perimeters have expanded to include mobile devices and work-from-home devices. Cloud computing and mobile technologies have made access to email [...]

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Categories: Security

12 Days of Tech-mas from Your Favorite IT Company

This month, I'd like to invite you to join us for 12 days of Tech-mas, a celebration of all things technology. You'll find tech-focused tools and tips you can use all year long.

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Categories: Outsourcing IT, IT services

#ChoosetoChallenge Spotlight - Dre Thompson

Due to a variety of factors including responsibility for a load of caregiving tasks for their families and their overrepresentation in frontline positions vulnerable to disruption, women have borne [...]

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Categories: #BalanceForBetter, #LeadHerShip, #choosetochallenge

4 Common Network Security Risks You Need to Fix

What would happen if your company's network were breached right now? Do you have any idea how many records might be exposed? Is your network's security system capable of defending against or [...]

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Categories: Cyber Security, Risk Assessment

IT Security Areas You Need: Terms, Passwords, Malware & Data

IT Security Protects Data Privacy

The California Consumer Privacy Act went into effect on January 1, 2020 and affects every company that does business with California residents. I expect we will see [...]

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#ChoosetoChallenge Spotlight - Rachel Harpley

Over the last decade, experts have been trying to tackle a cybersecurity labor shortage. According to a 2020 survey by the International Information System Security Certification Consortium, Inc., [...]

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Categories: #BalanceForBetter, #LeadHerShip, #choosetochallenge

#ChoosetoChallenge Spotlight - Jamie Alexander

This last year, many companies have been challenged with making major workforce changes and almost every aspect of business has been impacted. With July and August estimates showing nearly 11 million [...]

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Categories: #BalanceForBetter, #LeadHerShip, #choosetochallenge

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