Your 2021 IT Budget: What to Buy and What to Skip

For an IT service provider and an SMB owner, 2020’s been an absolute roller coaster ride. On the one hand, with 64% of the U.S. workforce working from home, there are immense opportunities right in [...]

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Categories: Security

#LeadHership Spotlight - Emma Fryer

For years women have been fighting hard to improve male dominated standards and expectations in the workplace. 2020 has brought a new set of challenges to this fight. Not only are women balancing a [...]

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Categories: Small Business, #LeadHerShip

Why Wait to Set Up MFA? It’s an Easy, Inexpensive Defense Measure

Multifactor authentication is an easy IT security measure that small- and mid-sized businesses can use to protect their data. Once a tool used primarily by enterprise companies, MFA is now an [...]

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Categories: Security

#LeadHership Spotlight - Janelle Briggs

The New Normal. It’s a phrase we have uttered and heard countless times in the last few months surrounding the global health crisis. It’s how we describe what has been a complete upheaval of our [...]

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Categories: Small Business, #LeadHerShip

What You Need to Know About Estate Planning

You may be asking yourself, “Why is an IT company talking about estate planning?” At Silverado, we work to protect our client’s IT infrastructure now and for years to come. We’re extending this [...]

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Categories: Estate Planning, Legal Will, Beneficiary, Trust

Technology Support Health Check: Planning is the Key to Success

You’re probably familiar with the old fable about the grasshopper and the ants. While the grasshopper enjoyed his summer, lounging in the sun and singing, the ants worked diligently to store food for [...]

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Categories: Small Business, Security, Disaster Recovery

#LeadHership Spotlight - Leon Adams

Strong leaders rarely reach their goals and achieve success alone. As humans, we need other humans to thrive. Research has shown that having a strong support system has many positive benefits. There [...]

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Categories: Small Business, #LeadHerShip

Digital Marketing: How to Retune Your Strategy for the New Normal

There’s no denying that everything in the business world has changed over the past few months. This includes digital marketing. Where some companies have pulled back on their marketing spend during [...]

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Categories: Small Business

#Leadhership Spotlight - Maria Mazon

As restaurants and business leaders begin to open their doors to the public, they have a difficult task ahead. They feel a responsibility to bring their staff back to work while still helping to [...]

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Categories: Small Business, #LeadHerShip

#LeadHership Spotlight - Mimi Coomler

As the COVID-19 situation continues to unfold, it’s more important than ever to spotlight the healthcare leaders in our community. Mimi Coomler, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer for [...]

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Categories: #BalanceForBetter, #LeadHerShip

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