#InspireInclusion Spotlight - Katia Jones

Since June 2021, Katia Jones has been a pivotal force at the Women’s Foundation for the State of Arizona (WFSA) helping to further the mission to create social, political, and economic change that achieves equity for women and girls of all identities. Her extensive background, spanning over two decades in development and donor relations, has been instrumental in amplifying WFSA's statewide impact. Today, Katia stands at the helm of WFSA as its newly appointed Chief Executive Officer, a role she embraced in March 2024.

Katia’s journey with WFSA has been marked by an unwavering dedication to transparency and community-centric fundraising, As the VP of Community Mobilization, she cultivated genuine connections across Arizona, emphasizing the importance of nurturing authentic relationships within WFSA’s Giving Collective and beyond. As a staunch advocate for inclusion and empathy within communities and organizations, she stresses the importance of listening to and learning from diverse perspectives, noting that supporting underserved communities benefits everyone. By fostering an environment of understanding and cooperation, Katia believes we can create more inclusive and equitable communities.

By working together, focusing on underserved communities benefits everyone. Intersectionality is key; understanding different perspectives enriches the community. Teaching this to kids can reduce fear and increase understanding, allowing for better cooperation and inclusivity.

Katia's passion for community extends well beyond her professional life. She is actively involved as a board member for the Arizona Justice Project and maintains a longstanding membership in Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Her dedication to service is further evidenced by her continuous support and volunteer work for various community groups. This blend of professional expertise and personal commitment positions Katia as a multifaceted leader who truly embodies the spirit of community engagement.

Reflecting on what advice she would give young women aspiring to leadership roles, she emphasizes the importance of finding a supportive community, networking, and surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals who can provide unbiased feedback. "Find your crew," she advises, highlighting the necessity of having a support system during challenging times. Katia's own journey has been shaped by the support of her sorority sisters and professional friends who have offered guidance and encouragement throughout her career.

Having a strong support network is critical, " Often, women, including myself, empty our cups for others and don't know how to ask for support. It's crucial to have people around us, regardless of gender or age, who know us well enough to tell us to stop, take a break, ask for help, or delegate." The cumulative pressures from work, family, and the world can become overwhelming, leading many of us to a breaking point. WFSA's aim of promoting work-life balance and establishing a supportive environment is beneficial for both their internal team and the communities they serve.

In addition to a support structure, Katia emphasized the importance of networking to expand the opportunities for young women. Networking is not just about exchanging business cards or making small talk at events; it's about building meaningful connections that can open doors and create opportunities for growth and collaboration. While the idea of networking can be daunting, it is always beneficial - whether you meet new people, learn something new, or make a new connection. 

Katia also spoke about the significance of mentorship, both as a mentee and a mentor, noting that both positive and negative experiences with mentors have shaped her approach to mentoring. She believes in sharing knowledge freely and lifting others up, particularly young women of color in the nonprofit sector. Her approach to mentorship is rooted in empathy and a genuine desire to help others succeed.

Katia's impressive academic background reflects her commitment to personal and professional development. She holds a bachelor's degree in psychology from the University of Georgia and an MBA from the prestigious W.P. Carey School at Arizona State University. These educational achievements have provided a robust foundation for her leadership roles and community engagement efforts.

As Katia steps into her role as CEO of WFSA, she remains committed to transparency, community, and fostering meaningful connections. Her vision for the organization is rooted in empowering and uplifting all those WFSA serves. She looks forward to exploring new possibilities and breaking down barriers alongside her talented and dedicated team. Under her leadership, WFSA is poised to continue its impactful work, pushing boundaries, and challenging traditions to support diverse communities across Arizona.

Katia Jones' journey is a testament to the power of dedication, community, and authentic leadership. Her story inspires us to strive for meaningful connections and to uplift and support one another in our shared pursuit of a more inclusive and equitable world.


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