Silverado Tech Blog

#InspireInclusion Spotlight - Dr. Arianna Sholes-Douglas

Written by Allison Duffy | Sep 10, 2024 3:23:58 PM

Renowned for her commitment to addressing the frequently neglected needs of women, especially during menopause and perimenopause, Dr. Arianna Sholes-Douglas, MD, FACOG has emerged as an advocate for women's health, championing care for life stages that much of the medical community often overlooks. 

Dr. Arianna’s journey into medicine was shaped by a personal experience during her teenage years. Struggling with severe menstrual cramps, she found relief through the care of a gynecologist who took the time to listen, and the treatment profoundly impacted her life. This experience ignited her passion for gynecology and set her on a path to becoming an advocate for women’s health.

A board certified physician in Obstetrics and Gynecology and Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Dr. Arianna's approach to patient care extends beyond traditional medical practices. She is the author of the best-selling book The Menopause Myth: What Your Mother, Doctor, and Friends Haven’t Shared About Life After 35. Her holistic approach to medicine integrates traditional medical knowledge with evidence-based alternative therapies, making her a trusted expert for women navigating the complex changes associated with aging.

Her practice, Tula Wellness and Aesthetics in Tucson, Arizona, embodies her vision of integrative women’s health. Dr. Arianna has used her business to provide guidance to young women entering the medical field, hiring college students as medical assistants and mentoring those pursuing medical school. Throughout her career, Dr. Arianna has prioritized mentoring the next generation of women in medicine, creating a practice that has become a nurturing environment where young professionals can gain experience and develop their careers.

Despite not having a formal mentor, Dr. Arianna's unwavering passion and desire to help others fueled her journey. Her early experiences shaped her career, guiding her to focus on areas that need more attention and compassion. She developed Tula Wellness as more than just a medical practice; it is a sanctuary where women’s health and beauty are approached with a deep understanding of the connection between the mind, body, and spirit.

When asked about her advice for young women pursuing leadership roles, Dr. Arianna emphasizes the importance of finding one’s passion and staying authentic. She believes that once you find your passion and get your footing, leadership often follows naturally, as you become motivated to help others and share the lessons from your journey.

Dr. Arianna is a champion for inclusion and diversity in the medical field. She understands the ongoing challenges, especially in critical areas like Black maternal health, and knows that true inclusion means embracing genuine diversity. Her leadership is driven by a heartfelt commitment to enhance the field and uplift the next generation of medical professionals.

After years in corporate medicine, where her expertise was sometimes second-guessed, Dr. Arianna was inspired to forge her own path. She values the freedom and autonomy that comes with running her own practice.  The ability to make decisions, implement ideas, and lead without needing permission from others has been both empowering and fulfilling.

Dr. Arianna’s journey is a testament to how passion, resilience, and dedication can drive meaningful change. As the founder of Tula Wellness and Aesthetics, she continues to uplift and empower women in her community and beyond. Her work highlights the importance of mutual support and the creation of environments where genuine healing and transformation can thrive.