Silverado Tech Blog

#BreaktheBias Spotlight - Yvonne Perez

Written by Allison Duffy | Feb 2, 2023 4:51:41 PM

Valentine's Day is right around the corner - a day devoted to celebrating those we love and cherish. Love is the motivating force behind our February spotlight, Yvonne Perez. Love for family and love for community drives her in everything she does. 

We had the pleasure of having Yvonne on our team, keeping our team moving forward. While she was working with our team, she spread her time among many deserving organizations. "Work pays the bills, but doesn't fill my heart like volunteering," shared Yvonne.

Whether she is volunteering at the Community Food Bank, working with the American Heart Association, helping to coordinate volunteers for El Tour de Tucson, raising money for the Marine Club of South Tucson, selling snacks for the Tucson Rams, or spreading awareness for Autism Awareness, Yvonne devotes her down time to giving back to her community. 

"I see a need and want to fill it. There is so much need, and if there were more people to donate their time, it would be wonderful!"

The desire to donate her time and skills started early. Yvonne spent much of her childhood with her grandmothers, learning valuable skills and the importance of giving back. "Charity begins at home," Yvonne explained. She has continued this love of philanthropy with her own children and grandchildren, encouraging them to volunteer at various organizations close to their heart. Yvonne urges her grandchildren to "do anything they put their mind too - if you put in the work, nothing can stop you!"

While her children were young, Yvonne had the opportunity to devote most of her time to volunteering. However, major life changes, including divorce and relocating, turned her life upside-down. She applied the many skills she gained from volunteering to begin a career in her new city of Tucson.

Thank you, Yvonne, for your work to #BreaktheBias and show us all what it is to give to our community. Your example encourages us all to spread the love this Valentine's Day and give our time to one of the many deserving organizations in our community!